Where the author talks about comics, role-playing, collectible playing cards, games of all kinds, and anything else that's currently passing through his fickle mind.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Review: Secret Invasion #4
Secret Invasion issue 4 hit the stands last week, and the series is maintaining its pacing nicely. The Tony Stark "Is he, or isn't he?" mind play continues, with Queen Veranke / Spider-Woman pulling on one end and Natasha Romanova / Black Widow tugging on the other. I'm personally hoping that Tony's sanity snaps before either of the two ladies wins.
This comic also has Nick Fury and his new commandos temporarily repulsing the Skrull offensive just long enough to rescue the remains of the Initiative and the Young Avengers. We also see snippets of the invasion as events happened in other places. This is how you do a special series. Hey, DC! Are you guys paying attention?
Hmm... I think the greatness of this issue is best exemplified by the pics themselves...
--- If you can provide a few panels of Reed Richards being tortured in every Marvel comic, I would buy them all. Okay. READ them all at least. Maybe not buy. Ehehe.
Same thing goes for Nick Fury blasting Ms Marvel. Like he said, "A Skrull's a Skrull." Give it to her Nick! She deserves it for siding with Tony!
Speaking of Tony, here he is continuing his lovely chat with Queen Veranke. Kl'riki Dulu. Nice name. He should keep it even after the invasion is over.
Phoenix and Beast are revealed to be Skrulls after Black Widow pumps them full of incendiary rounds. I could tell that "Jean" was a Skrull from the beginning, but I was hoping that we'd get the old Beast back. Hank McCoy as a cat mutant still doesn't feel right for me.
Woohoo! Go Jarvis-Skrull! What's Maria Hill supposed to do when even her own people are Skrulls? She should be happy it's raining. No one will notice her pissing in her uniform.
Oh, while Marvel is still teaching DC how to do a special series properly, they might as well add one more lesson. Guys, THIS is how you do a last page cliffhanger:
You know what this means? It's the Avengers trinity back in action, together, in Secret Invasion 5! Post-Ragnarok Thor, Buck Barnes Captain America, and finally, Kl'riki Dulu Iron Man! It's a veritable Avengers Rennaisance! What a mess!
All characters, titles and products are copyright their owners, creators, publishers, authors, whatever... And no, I'm not getting paid by anyone to write about their stuff. Read my opinions and take them with a lump or two of salt.
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