Where the author talks about comics, role-playing, collectible playing cards, games of all kinds, and anything else that's currently passing through his fickle mind.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Review: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Sozin's Comet
[Warning: Spoiler images and statements follow. But at this point, I don't really care. Wahahaha!]
It's taken me this long to actually blog about Sozin's Comet for the simple reason that I've been high on the ending all the way up to this point, and now is the only time I've settled down just enough to put something down in words.
This was an incredible last four episodes. It's hard to find the right words. I think it's important to say that I am a very satisfied fan. Analytically, there were some points in the ending that they could have improved upon or done better, but on an emotional happy-happy-joy-joy level, I am grinning from ear to ear and sighing happily.
I also appreciate the fact that the authors gave the series closure, but not 100% closure, leaving just enough open elements for speculators to dream of the possibility of Brian and Mike venturing once again into this wondrously rich setting. Also keeps the fanfic writers happy.
Cheers guys! Best series ever.
It's been a wonderful ride.
Part one of Sozin's Comet was all about fan service in some ways. We get to see Suki in swimwear for example.
Did I mention Suki in swimwear?
I know a lot of people who leered at this pic. Not often you get to see Toph in a bandeau. Yep. I do think she's turned 13 by this time. We get to see a precious hint of her future figure. She's gonna be a babe when she grows up.
Meantime, she gets to shout to the world: "I am not Toph! I am MELON LORD!!!"
One last shot for the Zutoph shippers. Toph certainly seems happy.
Anybody who still doubts that Katara is Filipina should look at this pic. Scary.
I wish I could say this pic is for drama purposes, but it's not. A quick glimpse at the background shows Sokka, covered in drool after he slipped from Appa's mouth. Typical behavior for him, sadly.
Firelord... I mean... Phoenix King Ozai. And his ridiculously large helm. I still wonder how he got his beard to be so nicely pointy.
More fan service. One last shot of June.
This is a geekgasm moment. The Order of the White Lotus is supposed to be filled with old guys. Well, these old guys are some of the most powerful people on the planet. And this shot doesn't even include Iroh. The five Old Masters and a few dozen other Lotus members pretty much took Ba Sing Se by themselves.
Aang calls upon his past lives for advice. From top to bottom: Avatars Kyoshi, Kuruk, and Yangchen. I didn't bother with Avatar Roku. We've seen him enough, I think.
Remember those old guys? Well, King Bumi's among them, and on the Day of Black Sun, he took back Omashu by himself. The guy's so powerful he hurled entire buildings away from the city. Violating Ozai's statue was icing, but funny icing.
Nobody does emo better than Zuko. This is his final emo moment. After this is repentance and redemption. I'll miss the self-flagellation, but it's nice to see him grow out of it at last.
It's about damn time.
You'd think that being appointed Firelord by her father would improve Azula's disposition. Seems like finally being on top of the world unhinged her mind completely. Can you say "paranoid schizophrenia?"
Even totally crazeeee and with her hair self-mutilated, she's still a sexy bitch, ain't she?
This was the real ultimate battle of the finale. Zuko vs Azula. Fire vs fire. Agni kai. This screenshot is only one of the many incredible action sequences in that fight.
Leave it to the girls to ruin a good fight. Zuko sacrifices himself to save Katara from Azula's lightning. Rushing to intercept the bolt resulted in not-so-perfect form for Zuko however, leaving Katara to finish the fight she inadvertently interrupted.
The Ozai-Aang fight was over-the-top, yes. But it was either Aang running from Comet-Pumped Ozai, or Ozai running from Avatar State Aang. Can't say I blame the dude. This shot proves that the Avatar can bend all 4 elements simultaneously.
Looks like Katara's gambit worked. Two girls frozen in ice, and only one can bend water. Guess who wins? I suppose it ruins the moment somewhat when you think about it and realize that they were frozen in sewer water.
One good turn deserves another. A little water healing and Zuko recovers enough to say thank you. Katara does the same. This marks the final Zutara moment of the series.
Ozai learns here that you can't sneak up on a guy who had Toph for a teacher. Looks like Aang learned how to see through Earth-bending too.
Spiritbending the big bad. At least it doesn't kill him. This proves that bending is linked to spiritual strength.
Okay. After all is said and done, this is the one scene I've been waiting for since I saw the awesomeness of Mei in The Boiling Rock.
Haha. Yeah. I'm a Meiko shipper. Take that Zutarans. I could have shown them kissing, but I think this pic is better. Why? I've never seen Zuko look happier. Or Mei for that matter.
Congratulations Sokka. Now that Ty Lee's a Kyoshi Warrior, you get to have her AND Suki. You DA MAN.
I appreciate seeing the cast in casual Earth Kingdom garb again. I still prefer the Fire Nation fashion, but the green does look nice on them.
One parting gift to the canon Kataang shippers out there.
All characters, titles and products are copyright their owners, creators, publishers, authors, whatever... And no, I'm not getting paid by anyone to write about their stuff. Read my opinions and take them with a lump or two of salt.
Must rewatch~
Agreed. Don't forget to sign any online petition you see asking for another series!
No entendi lo que escribiste =P pero me facinan las imagenes del Avatar que colgaste =p
Im A Maiko Shipper too! cool reveiw by the way.
Ahh! I need to go see them all again now ^-^
I too love the ships Maiko and Kataang.. as for Zutara- I wish it didn't really exist aha :p
Great review, though!
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