Where the author talks about comics, role-playing, collectible playing cards, games of all kinds, and anything else that's currently passing through his fickle mind.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Review: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Ember Island Players
Warning: Spoiler statements and images follow. Like who cares right? Everybody's seen this, or you wouldn't even bother reading. I guess. Maybe.
The Ember Island Players is what's known as a recap episode, which is meant to remind the audience of important facts about what previously happened in the series, lest they forget. Normally, recap episodes are done through a mixture of exposition or narration, mixed with a healthy amount of rehashed scenes from those previous eps. The average recap episode is at least 50% previously seen images and scenes.
Avatar's authors did it differently, by presenting the recap in the form of a play "extensively" researched by its in-series author. When the viewer notices that the many sources of information used by the author are first-hand accounts that include pirates, soldiers and "a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage," one anticipates that the play is anything but accurate. The viewer is thus treated to an amusing satire of some of the best that Avatar had to offer during the first and second Books, offering a chance to reminisce about favorite lines and scenes rather than being forced to relive them directly. A most unique method, and one very appropriate to this wonderful series on its penultimate episode.
Plus, Avatar again doesn't disappoint on the value of its "filler" episodes, adding moments of important character development. This late in the series, that's not something you'd entirely expect. We get wonderful scenes involving Aang and Katara (sorry to the Kataang shippers out there), and Zuko and Toph --- icing to an episode with many a scene that left me laughing so hard I began to tear bend.
On with the show...
Couldn't resist one more for the ladies. Zuko post-workout and shirtless isn't something you see often. Not very many 16-year olds have abs like that. Hmm... shouldn't he be about 17 by now?
I am so happy to see them back in fire nation clothing, now that they're hiding away at Zuko's Ember Island vacation house. Fire nation fashion is so attractive. This pic of course has Suki in fire nation duds for the first time. Looks mighty good on her.
The play begins! And this is... Aang. Played by a girl. Aang is shocked. You can tell he's never seen Peter Pan. Then again, Peter Pan's female actors were never this well-endowed.
I'm the Avatar! The trinity of the series meets for the very first time. Water Bend! Hai-yah!
Book 1's antagonist is introduced. Uhm... I know it's supposed to be satirical, but shouldn't the Fire Nation know which side Zuko's scar is on? Oh well. Maybe it's meant to be a deliberate insult by the play's author.
Suki got a real kick out of this scene. It's a lot more amusing when you think about what really happened the first time she and Sokka met.
This pretty much exemplifies what Team Avatar did half the time. Sneaking around and running away. Giant faux water bending scroll optional.
This is the real reason why the Blue Spirit was unstoppable. That mask can stop a freight train.
Aang and Suko have a typical reaction to a chapter in their lives that they'd rather not remember.
Jet never looked so good. The pink shirt is a nice touch.
Making out with the Yue, the Moon Spirit, was one of Sokka's crowning glories. He'd have three people in his harem if Zhao hadn't screwed everything up.
Suki is awesome. We find out here that Sokka never told her about his first girlfriend. She's taking his previous conquests in stride. Sokka's a lucky bastard.
"They call be TOPH, coz it sounds like TOUGH!" Toph should feel proud. This is the reputation she's set for herself. Can't blame the author's sources. Who wants to admit they were solidly beaten up by a 12 year old blind girl?
Our favorite earth bender does us proud. She's the only one who thinks her portrayal in the play rocks.
Initial fan reaction to Zuko's new hairstyle back in Book 2 might have been different had he sported Fabio-level locks like these. Thankfully the authors showed some restraint.
I'm glad that the real Azula wasn't around to see this, else the play might now have gotten past this point.
The most awkward moment in the entire series, and source of the shipping wars that defined its fans. One wonders though what source the play's author got this from. Was there a hidden voyeur in that cave? If there was, he was definitely a Zutara shipper.
They make a cute couple don't they? If only Sokka would stop thinking about food so much. Hello?! Hot ass-kicking martial arts babe leaning into you! Show some appreciation!
This is where it all changed. "Choose treachery! It's more fun!"
Mai and Ty Lee... sorta. The non-smiling emoticon on Mai was one of my laugh-till-I-dropped moments.
Awwwww. She likes you Zuko! After a heart-warming conversation, Toph gives Zuko a LURVE BRUISE. One for the Zutoph minority.
Could this be... THE FUTURE? I'm not sure about the accuracy of the play's ending, but anything that makes Sokka react this way has to be worth some minor consideration.
All characters, titles and products are copyright their owners, creators, publishers, authors, whatever... And no, I'm not getting paid by anyone to write about their stuff. Read my opinions and take them with a lump or two of salt.
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