What can I say?
I am an IDIOT for punishment. Not learning my lesson from reading Final Crisis #1, perhaps in order to give Grant Morrison a chance to make up for that horrid issue, I picked up a copy of Final Crisis #2.
I had to read this mess of storytelling twice before I even got more than a hint of what was going on. And I'm still confused. It's like Morrison loaded all his scenes and ideas into a shotgun, along with a bunch of major and minor players in the DCU, from A to Z, then SHOT it into a comic. Even J.G. Jones' artwork, normally wonderful to behold, suffers, probably because the poor penciller also had no idea what the hell Morrison was getting at as he no doubt described panel after confusing panel.
Where in God's name were the transitions? Where and what is everyone doing? Did time pass between this scene and the next? Is it the same day? Why did every hero in the DCU suddenly take a sip of Stoopid Juice? Who are some of these characters? Should I even care? One scene was flowing into the next like the effluent of a third world sewage plant.
The only remotely coherent scene was a funeral held for Jonn Jonn'z... on the surface of Mars. Hooray for the Boom Tube. God-level teleportation in the DCU, once the province of only the New Gods, that now it seems everybody can now use. Whoop.
Forget it.
I was fair. I gave Morrison a chance. I am never picking up another title written by this guy. Chuck Austen, one of the most maligned authors in modern comics history, told really bad stories. But even he didn't make me scratch my head in frustration.

There's another thing about this new series which irks me. Why, oh why, did Marvel allow the Hulk (the original green one), to suddenly turn stupid again? He was so clever and awesome in World War Hulk and the preceding Planet Hulk story arcs. Now he's back to He of the Substantially-Challenged Cortical Neurons. I don't mind a good fistful of "Hulk Smash" and "Hulk is strongest one there is," but he'd gotten to the point where he could say that, be burning with righteous fury, and snap off a clever one liner on the same page. So why bring back the retard version? Doesn't he remember Sakaar, Caiera and his Warbound anymore?
They had better do some solid explaining or I'd be inclined to do some smashing myself.